Covid-19 Information

The Pio Plan

updated 8-15-23

Carroll University is committed to offering an exceptional educational experience in a safe environment. Faculty, staff and administration are working diligently to support students, staff and faculty in order to keep our Carroll community safe.

These guidelines apply to students. Employees should review the COVID-19 temporary workplace expectations and guidelines located on the Department of HR portal page

General Information

  • Carroll University will no longer be tracking or requiring students to report COVID-19 positive cases via the Contact Tracing Form.

  • Carroll University will no longer automatically notify professors about students that test positive for COVID. Students will be responsible for notifying their professors that they will be out during their isolation period.

  • Carroll University will continue to follow the CDC’s isolation protocols.

  • Students that test positive for COVID will be responsible for notifying their close contacts.

COVID-19 Symptoms and Testing

COVID-19 Symptoms  

Fever or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting


​Students with any COVID symptoms should be tested, even if they have had the COVID vaccine. Students can do a home COVID test, test off campus, or schedule an appointment for a test at the Student Health Center online in the patient portal or by calling 262-524-7233.

Free COVID Testing at the Student Health Center

  • Symptomatic or asymptomatic close contacts/exposed students can test for free at the Student Health Center
  • Rapid COVID tests with results within 15 minutes
  • All visits are by appointment only. Students should schedule an appointment online in the patient portal or call 262-524-7233
  • If you are ill with any COVID symptoms you will need to use the back entrance
  • Masks are still required for visits to the Health Center

Additional COVID Testing in Waukesha County

Students who test positive for COVID-19

  • Follow the CDC’s isolation protocols.
  • Stay home or isolate in place for at least five (5) full days from the onset of symptoms (the date of your symptom onset is considered day zero (0).
  • Do not go to class, lab, the library, work, or eat in the dining halls.
  • Do not use public transportation, ridesharing like Uber or Lyft, or taxis.
  • To return to classes/campus students must have symptom improvement, be fever-free for at least 24 hours without using fever-reducing medication AND continue to wear a well-fitting mask around others through day 10.
  • Students who miss class due to illness should notify their instructors and make arrangements for any missed material or assignments. The University will no longer be sending automatic notices to your professors or campus work supervisors about your isolation period. If you need assistance notifying your professors that you will be out during your isolation period, please contact
  • Notify people who you have been in contact with. You can use this site to anonymously text or email your close contactsTell Your Contacts

Isolation Living Arrangements and Protocols

While you are in isolation, monitor your symptoms. If you have an emergency warning sign (like trouble breathing), seek emergency medical care immediately.

Isolation Living Arrangements

  • The isolation period is a minimum of 5 full days from the date of the onset of your symptoms.
  • Students who test positive and who live in a traditional residence hall room with a roommate and live within a 6-hour radius of campus must go home.
  • Students who test positive and who live in traditional residence hall room with a roommate and live outside of the 6-hour radius must contact to coordinate an isolation space.
  • Positive students who live in suite or apartment style living may isolate in place (this means isolating in your current room) for the duration of their isolation period.
  • Commuter students will be expected to isolate at their off-campus residence.

Isolation Protocols

  • If you have a roommate – wear a high-quality, well-fitting mask (surgical or KN95)
  • Stay in your room as much as possible – if you need to leave your room, wear a mask, and avoid interactions with others.
  • Do not have guests over.
  • Do not attend any in person classes or activities.
  • Students may get food from the MDR, PIT or other campus dining locations provided they wear a mask and bring their food back to their room to eat. NO eating in public spaces.
  • You can go outside to get some fresh air but be sure to wear a mask and avoid others.

Any individual who violates an order to isolate or the terms of isolation may be subject to disciplinary action including housing probation or termination including loss of deposit, university probation or suspension. 

Close Contacts

  • If you test positive for COVID, please notify people who you have been in contact with. You can use this site to anonymously text or email your close contactsTell Your Contacts
  • Use the CDC guidelines for what to do when you are a close contact.
  • A close contact is anyone who was less than 6 feet away from the positive person for a combined total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period.
  • An infected person is contagious starting 48 hours (2 days) before their symptoms started.
  • Students who are close contacts should wear a high-quality mask for 10 days and test on the sixth day after exposure, regardless of vaccination status.
  • Any exposed person should test immediately if they have symptoms or if symptoms develop within 10 days of their last contact with the positive person.

COVID Vaccine

The COVID vaccine is not required, but Carroll University encourages students to be up to date for all recommended COVID vaccine doses.

  • Please note that health majors may be required to be up to date with the COVID-19 vaccine for clinical rotations.
  • The Health Center is no longer providing COVID vaccines. To find a vaccine provider near you, visit
  • Please visit the CDC webpage for more information about COVID-19 Vaccines.

Important Resources

Student Health Center
Call 262-524-7233 or email or visit our webpage (you must be logged into the portal to view this page).

Public Safety
After hours campus support (non-medical)

Student Life
Assistance with notifying professors you will be out for isolation

For more information about the 2019 novel coronavirus, please visit the following websites:

Panoramic View of campus